What we do

Costantino Paolini is one of the leading experts in Italy in the music business, musical editions and in the collection of related rights and royalties.

In particular, through the sub-edition formula, Paolini offers services to Italian and international music, film and tv producers and publishers aimed at researching, administering and collecting the proceeds generated by the rights deriving from musical works, TV series, films and any other type of music transmission by third parties at the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers (SIAE).*

* SIAE is the Italian copyright collecting agency. Founded in 1882 in the Kingdom of Italy, it is the monopolist intermediary between the authors of musical tracks and consumers, managing the economic aspects and the distribution of money from royalties of Italian-copyrighted music to authors and on their behalf [from Wikipedia]


Alcune delle opere tutelate di clienti esteri

  • Il commissario Rex – Kommissar Rex (GERMANIA – AUSTRIA)
  • Tempesta d’amore – Sturm der Liebe (GERMANIA)
  • Squadra Speciale Cobra 11 – Alarm für Cobra 11 – Die Autobahnpolizei (GERMANIA)
  • Il segreto – El secreto de Puente Viejo (SPAGNA)
  • La casa di carta – La casa de papel (SPAGNA)
  • Hamburg Distretto 21 – Notruf Hafenkante (GERMANIA)
  • Inga Lindström (GERMANIA)
  • Rosamunde Pilcher (GERMANIA)
  • La nostra amica Robbie – Hallo Robbie! (GERMANIA)
  • Il nostro amico Charly – Unser Charly (GERMANIA)
  • Il commissario Cordier – Cordier Juge (FRANCIA)
  • Il comandante Florent – Femme d’honneur (FRANCIA)

E tanti altri…